Why Stay if You are Not Happy

Why Stay if You are Not Happy

by Sarah, 25
(North Carolina)

dating and relationshipsI don’t refer to my ex as my ex because I refer to him as a friend. Me and my friend have been talking ever since 2012 summer.

Well he has always asked me out and I really didn’t want to go out with him. And then his dad died… He used it as ammunition to get me to go out with him. He asked me out. Of course I said yes because I didn’t want him to hurt even more.

As the days went by, it was getting more clear that I wasn’t really happy being with him. I was too scared and never told him that.

I finally couldn’t take all the weight on my shoulders so I told him how I felt. The point is I wasn’t happy being with him, so why stay with him?

Our Advice to You

Always be true to yourself

Good job, Sarah! You kind of got guilted into being his girlfriend and you only wanted to be a good person. Too many people let others take over their lives because that other person is in a fragile state. You did everything you could to be a good human being, but that often never leads to your own satisfaction. And seriously, why stay if he’s just not your type?

You’re a good person! Hopefully you will find the perfect man for you some day!

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